created: ; modified:2024
- December People who are going to change the world
- December Why you shouldn’t build your career around existential risk
- November Abolish the NIH
- September The ouroboros of academic peer review
- September On suicide
- August How my views on AI changed every year 2017-2024
- July Writing advice
- July Advice invitation
- June I’m terrified of old people
- March College Q&A
- March Cursed omens of exceptional talent
- January Napoleon: a Cautionary Tale for Young Idealists
- 11-20 (unauthorized) advice from guest 04
- 10-20 Is AI alignment on track? Is it progressing… too fast?
- 10-15 Poems
- 10-11 Ramanujan, Einstein, Tolstoy, Napoleon, Richard Muller, and Michael Jackson on God
- 09-13 Omens of exceptional talent
- 08-28 You are a morale-driven machine
- 08-23 16 questions posed & answered by Leslie Berlin’s book “Troublemakers: Silicon Valley’s Coming of Age”
- 07-27 10 notes from watching pulp fiction yet again
- 07-27 questions
- 07-10 Advice from Tyler Cowen
- 05-09 A Two sentence Jailbreak for GPT-4 and Claude & Why Nobody Knows How to Fix It
- 04-25 AI Alignment Is Turning from Alchemy Into Chemistry
- 03-08 lifehacks
- 02-07 My 2022 self (I don’t know them) was very wrong about meditation, huge monitors, and… sleep.
- 01-27 Why AI experts’ jobs are always decades from being automated
- 12-03 Best of Holden Karnofsky and Sam Altman
- 11-21 If the moon doesn’t need gravity, why do we? The necessity of understanding for general intelligence
- 11-16 Planes are still decades away from displacing most bird jobs
- 11-11 Who is the real prophet of longtermism: Will MacAskill or Sam Altman?
- 11-09 Forecasting humans becoming generally intelligent with biological anchors: year 10,000,000,000,002,2022
- 10-31 What is the alternative to utilitarianism?
- 09-10 Alexey’s Covid notes (September 2022)
- 08-26 Q&A with my high school self: helping 14-16 year old Alexey to deal with his emotions, to ask for help, to talk to people (and his dad), to learn, to get things done.
- 02-10 Theses on Sleep
- 01-31 My 4-monitor computer setup (16-inches + 49-inches + 34-inches + 24-inches
- 12-31 Why I switched my newsletters from Substack and Mailchimp to Buttondown
- 12-30 My low-demand, worry-free, and healthy diet
- 09-16 Issues with Bloom et al’s “Are Ideas Getting Harder to Find?” and why total factor productivity should never be used as a measure of innovation
- 07-18 I no longer believe that it’s possible to achieve extremely high productivity sustained over long periods of time working on difficult projects alone, so now I spend the majority of my working time co-working with my friends over video in my virtual office
- 06-22 Intelligence killed genius
- 03-13 Interview with Ben Kuhn about productivity, his college experience, job choice, the value of an inside view, the EA community
- 02-22 Ideas not mattering is a psyop
- 02-18 Low tech stuff I recommend
- 01-18 (Autistic) visionaries are not natural-born leaders
- 11-15 The most we can say about earnings of Substack’s top writers
- 10-22 Neurodiversity, mutants, and organisational design
- 08-10 Every thought about giving and taking advice I’ve ever had, as concisely as possible
- 06-30 Why is there only one Elon Musk? Why is there so much low-hanging fruit?
- 04-30 The Effects on Cognition of Sleeping 4 Hours per Night for 12-14 Days: a Pre-Registered Self-Experiment
- 04-29 Links for Jan-Mar 2020
- 02-14 Scientific experiments I want to fund
- 01-20 Links for Oct-Dec 2019
- 01-13 My journal: years of depression and self-loathing; learning to accept myself and others; overcoming video game addiction
- 11-30 Gwern’s Most Important Writing (in essays, tweets, book reviews, and other forms)
- 11-15 Matthew Walker’s “Why We Sleep” Is Riddled with Scientific and Factual Errors
- 10-19 How I got to #1 spot on Hacker News and why you should never try doing the same
- 10-15 Links for Jul-Sep 2019
- 10-11 Why We Likely Underappreciate the Pace of Technological Progress
- 08-15 How Life Sciences Actually Work: Findings of a Year-Long Investigation
- 07-20 How to make friends over the internet
- 07-16 Links for Apr-Jun 2019
- 05-17 It Is Your Responsibility to Follow Up
- 05-11 Dating
- 04-09 Links for Jan-Mar 2019
- 03-26 Don’t believe self-reported data
- 03-09 Reviving Patronage and Revolutionary Industrial Research
- 02-25 Why You Should Start a Blog Right Now
- 02-09 Most Important Slate Star Codex Posts
- 02-08 On Friendship and on Finding Your People
- 01-27 Tweet rot
- 01-22 Links for Oct-Dec 2018
- 12-15 Tools / Gear
- 12-15 My Favorite Movies, TV Shows, Books, Podcasts, Music, Video games
- 12-08 Where does talent come from? How easy is it to discover talent?
- 11-24 What Should You Do with Your Life? Directions and Advice
- 11-15 William MacAskill misrepresents the evidence underlying his key arguments in “Doing Good Better”
- 10-17 Is anything inherently difficult?
- 10-13 Research Ideas
- 10-08 Links for Jul-Sep 2018
- 10-07 Contra Scott Alexander’s “The Tails Coming Apart as Metaphor for Life”
- 08-26 An Ad Hominem Argument Against GDP
- 08-20 Fun Economic Facts
- 08-07 Every productivity thought I’ve ever had, as concisely as possible
- 08-03 17-20: a Retrospective on Four Years in College
- 07-04 Links for Apr-Jun 2018
- 05-26 Why You Should Join Twitter Right Now
- 05-24 People and Things I Would Fund If I Were a Billionaire
- 04-11 Links for Jan-Mar 2018
- 12-23 Polynomial Time Reductions and the P vs NP problem
- 12-05 Why You Should Not Go on a Tinder Date with Me
- 11-25 Online courses and textbooks I recommend
- 11-07 A dying snake
- 09-13 Three Questions for Russia
- 08-19 Julian Jaynes and the Ancient Tablets
- 07-29 Philosophers for Sale
- 06-09 Hierarchies of Status
- 05-22 Playing With Identity
- 02-13 Instilling Novel Thought Patterns and Making Your Long-Term Memory Accountable with Anki
- 12-31 Can We Trust Peter Turchin?
- 11-03 Cargo-Cult Productivity
- 08-29 Tweet-Sized Insight Porn